Helena, I am in awe of the session results. I am experiencing some wonderful effects, quite a few of them. I'm used to "energy" work and used to distance work, but this is quite startling. Often what is expected isn't necessarily what happens, and I understand the body has its own priorities.
Susan W. N.C.
Hi Helena -here is my update after my first long distance treatment 2 weeks ago for my upcoming treatment scheduled for this Tuesday:
I am currently 10 weeks pregnant and had a good ultrasound! You mentioned doing a treatment for issues on my left ovary and the ultrasound tech said the egg for this pregnancy came from my right ovary. Just thought that was interesting...
My hemorrhoid went away two days after treatment and my urinary frequency/UTI went away two days after treatment.
I have not had prolonged exposure to perfumes or chemicals since my last treatment, so I cannot evaluate my response to that, but I didn't smell anything when I walked down the "cleaning/detergents" aisle at Walgreens the other day!.
My digestion was very strong after my treatment. In fact, before I was constantly hungry and even waking up during the night starving, which may be pregnancy-related. I tried decreasing my dose of digestive enzymes and Betaine Hcl that I take with meals and I had a day of feeling bloated and sluggish digestion, so I increased them again and now after the treatment I feel better-not starving and not eating constantly anymore.
Prior to the treatment, I felt like the nutrition/energy from food, was not fueling me and if I would delay a meal, I would feel terrible, and eating wouldn't help me feel better. Now I feel like my blood sugar is more stable and if I don't eat exactly when I get hungry, my body doesn't freak out, and strangely, now it feels like food is fueling ME and my growing baby.
I have been eating dairy now and I seem to be digesting it fine, I am having more acne breakouts, which could also be a number of things- from hormones to healing crisis-my skin always gets worse when my detox systems get backed up/overwhelmed.
I am taking adrenal grandulars for adrenal exhaustion and I do muscle test for the dosing. For several days after your treatment, I was testing not needing them, so I stopped them. Then a after a few days, I tested needing them again, so I have been taking them. It's hard to say whether the current fatigue is adrenal or pregnancy-related, but it's lessened.
The mental fatigue continues sometimes, depending on how hard I push myself. I notice the mental fatigue more when I am interacting with others that are mentally "sharp", so that continues to be a factor and I realize may need some time to repair.
Overall, I am feeling improvements from this first treatment and I'm excited to see what treatment #2 brings. Thank you for everything!
Virtual Hug,
Claudia N, New Mexico
John had his thyroid tested again this week. They did the basic thyroid panel which isn't a good overview of what is happening with the hormones. The TSH is what most uninformed doctors go by and I'm having to at this point because of the testing they did. His TSH was 7.35 and the reason for concern... now after his first long distance Biomagnetism session 1.3!!!! That is amazing.
I'm paying for the next session this evening if you feel him being at the hospital won't interfer.
Michelle B, Virginia.
I'm having positive changes in hearing, vision, my problem knee, and balance/equilibrium. I had lost most of the hearing in my right ear. Much of it is restored. My vision had deteriorated. It is improved. My knee is improved in range of motion and the inflammation is reduced. The food reactions are less. I am hoping these improvements "hold."
I don't know how you perceived the lower back/hips issues. I have had these problems all my life. I might have congenital issues with the sacroiliac area, or damaged it initially when I was about ten and was thrown from a horse. I have injured my spine a number of times including another fall several years ago. I slipped on wet, slippery tile, flew a few feet and landed hard on my butt. I could feel all the vertebrae slam down one by one like an accordian being closed.
I've had back pain as long as I can remember. It's just part of me. But it has gotten to where I have a hard time rising from sitting or lying down. I usually can't sit for very long, and I never stand for more than a couple of minutes. I have to make certain my feet are situated just so to stabilize myself. Even walking has become difficult. My body feels like a three-legged stool with one broken leg - crumpled. There's always pain all across the sacroiliac/hip area. I've had extreme problems with my balance. I hadn't thought of the hips and sacrum area as being part of that issue.
Anyway, yesterday I woke up delighted with no back pain. Both hips were at the same height. I was stable on my feet. I walked easily and didn't shuffle my feet. For me, that's practically dancing! The center of gravity has shifted to a different position. I am sitting squarely on the sits bones (butt), instead of sitting lopsided. I usually sit kinda on one cheek... and shift a lot. :) I hope this adjustment holds, but it might require tune-ups.
You said lots of liver work. I fear my liver is worse than I knew. I'm hoping that it makes good progress.
I do want to follow up with another session. Also some family members may also be interested. They're watching my progress.
Today was a difficult day because it rained for two days and my roof and ceiling leaked, so there's a huge mess to contend with.
Thank you so much!
Judy L. Nevada
Hi Helena!
I wanted to give you an update on our last session.
Both sessions helped me tremendously with my brain disorder and symptoms from it.
Your work has helped me and my cervical dystonia is improving!
This last session brought up an amazing amount of emotion for me leaving me crying non stop for days. As you know this is good as my discharging the energy it can no hold.
I wanted to let you know this. And at some point we can see if we can do another session after things settle a bit. I am still so emotionally raw.
Also I wanted to ask if you are open to referrals for new clients. For example I would love my husband to work with you. I know you have a waiting list, but I don’t know if you still want to hear from more people seeking your help.
Blessings! S. Arizona
Hi Helena,
I have been very good since my appointment. Acne has cleared up quite well, still a few spots, but I am happy with it. My tendinitis is gone. My hormones seem more balanced. Energy is up.
I hope this info helps.
Thanks so much
D.C, Canada
I just wanted to let you know my body overall feels better and healthier since this last treatment.
My face has cleared up quite a bit! I’m about to start my period so I’m getting some hormonal breakouts, but i feel the treatment did help calm my face down as well as the bloating. I don’t urinate as frequently either.
Thank you!
Kristina K. Ohio
I feel good. I have tried eating gluten and I did not get the swollen hands and feet I usually get
so happy. My daughter after her long distance treatment has been eating dairy and gluten and her stomach does not hurt!!!
Veronique Crouzoulon, AZ